>We are booking for 2025. If you would like to have us sing for your church or function, please view our contact page and give us a call!
> To order your copy of our original CD, Trusting and Believing, Call Ernie at (863)532-3091 or email us at: jamesamusic1@aol.com for details.
> Our newest music project is entitled "Rendezvous" and is also available on both flash-drive and CD! To get your copy today, call Ernie at
(863)532-3091 or email us at: jamesamusic1@aol.com for details.
> Cross Ties is blessed to have been sharing the word of God through our music ministry for nine years now. God continues to use our voices and open doors that allow us to share His word through southern gospel music. We are looking forward to our upcoming events!
> We are "Greatly blessed and highly favored, imperfect, but forgiven" children of God! It is our prayer that God will use us to spread His word and minister to those in need. Please continue to lift us up in prayer.
Cross Ties is a southern gospel music ministry. Cross Ties is dedicated to giving hope to believers, and spreading the word of God to a lost and dying world through southern gospel music.
If you would like to have our group sing for your church or function, please contact
Ernie (863) 532-3091